Why are Lighting Companies turning to ConnectedEXPERTISE?

Business Services 25 October, 2023 No Comments

Rapidly changing market conditions and the rise of remote working have encouraged project owners across the globe to accelerate the enablement of extended workforces and turn to ConnectedEXPERTISE to leverage it, manage workforce challenges, and adopt more accessible and resourceful ways to fill skill shortages – in less time, and with better results. 

 Why are Executive Leaders turning to ConnectedEXPERTISE? 

 Talent is harder to find…91% of companies already use outside platforms to source critical business talent. Finding talent with the correct skill set has proven difficult for many businesses limited to a small local pool of talent that isn’t sufficient long-term. 

 Remote working is here to stay…More businesses operating remotely have necessitated bringing new and better technologies to manage operations, workforces, and services. This shift has also enabled more expansive talent pools around the country to open up, unlocking access to crucial skills at a much faster rate to deliver on initiatives. 

 Skills are more specialized…The new ways of working have increased demand for the external workforce to support cross-functional projects in organizations – projects requiring specific skill sets from various people across the organization. 

 More flexible workforces…52% of project owners cite talent shortages as the key driver for adopting a more flexible workforce and believe that work done by the “extended workforce” will increase by 168% in the next five years. 

On-demand workforce models like ConnectedEXPERTISE allow project owners and hiring managers to find top talent for crucial positions. By embracing flexibility in whom they hire, project owners can have stronger muscles for change management and workarounds in a crisis, speed up core operations, and deliver faster on future initiatives and breakthrough objectives.  

 By embracing flexibility in whom they hire, project owners can have stronger muscles for change management and workarounds in a crisis, speed up core operations, and deliver faster on future strategies. 

 Data-Driven Marketplaces 

 Only through adopting the most efficient data-driven solutions will businesses have better access to reliable and actionable insights and opportunities to assemble the best talent for their workforces.  Matching precisely to the right talent has become even more critical in today’s climate: wrong hiring decisions will cost project owners thousands of dollars in wasted time they can’t afford to lose in bringing the right people on board. 

 An online talent clearing house, like ConnectedEXPERTISE, boasts rich datasets from talent and application data to guarantee the most precise matches each time. At the same time, machine learning adds quality indicators through the process to make quality enhancements every time a connection is made. More precise matching means faster productivity: getting the work done by the best people faster.

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